Nepal's traffic being surveyed

Nepal's Ministry of Physical Planning and Works, Nepal is conducting Kathmandu valley traffic improvement studies, with assistance from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The Ministry is conducting three surveys. One is based on household interviews.
April 24, 2012
Nepal's 2437 Ministry of Physical Planning and Works, Nepal is conducting Kathmandu valley traffic improvement studies, with assistance from the 2416 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The Ministry is conducting three surveys. One is based on household interviews. This is covering 18000 households in capital Kathmandu as well as Lalitpur and Bhaktapur municipalities. This concentrates on asking house owners about their transportation usage. The second survey is a roadside interview, which will be carried out with the driver of the vehicle. The third one is a bus passenger interview survey which will be performed in Kathmandu in both the old buspark and gongabu (new bus park). The work is expected to complete on January 12, 2012. A local consulting firm has been appointed for the Kathmandu valley traffic improvement survey.
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