Parking problems

An Italian woman ended up parking her car on the roof of a house when she accidentally forgot to use its handbrake. The woman had stopped to photograph a scenic view but as she stood to one side and adjusted the settings on her camera, the car rolled from the road, through a barrier, down a hillside and onto a house below.
March 21, 2012
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An Italian woman ended up parking her car on the roof of a house when she accidentally forgot to use its handbrake. The woman had stopped to photograph a scenic view but as she stood to one side and adjusted the settings on her camera, the car rolled from the road, through a barrier, down a hillside and onto a house below. The car smashed through the roof and landed in the bathroom, its progress halted by an iron bath. Luckily no-one was hurt as the occupants of the house were not at home at the time of the incident. Meanwhile in China, two people were lucky to escape serious injury when a driver accidentally reversed their car through the wall of a multi-storey car park. The vehicle was left hanging over a 15m drop and its occupants had to crawl out very carefully indeed. The driver had apparently pressed the accelerator instead of the brake. And in Croatia, the proud owner of a Ferrari F360 watched in horror as a Renault truck suffered a brake failure while parking beside a busy port. The truck rammed into the Ferrari convertible, shoving it into the harbour where the high performance car proved itself unseaworthy and quickly sank. The Ferrari owner had been sitting eating a meal in a restaurant just a few metres away from his precious car as the incident unfolded. It is not clear if he suffered indigestion following the accident.

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