Short cuts

A construction worker in New York City took matters into his own hands when his friend started arguing with a policewoman who was busy placing a parking ticket on their van. The man took out a disc cutter and sliced off the parking meter at which their vehicle was parked, perhaps taking inspiration from a character played by movie star Paul Newman in the classic film Cool Hand Luke.
March 21, 2012
A construction worker in New York City took matters into his own hands when his friend started arguing with a policewoman who was busy placing a parking ticket on their van. The man took out a disc cutter and sliced off the parking meter at which their vehicle was parked, perhaps taking inspiration from a character played by movie star Paul Newman in the classic film Cool Hand Luke. In this New York incident however the offender was lucky enough not to suffer the same fate as Newman’s character in the film and instead got away with merely paying a heavy fine rather than a brutal prison experience.