Stuck in a jam

An American woman suffered an embarrassing situation after she tried to escape a traffic jam by making a u-turn. The impatient woman drove her shiny Lexus onto a patch of wet concrete laid moments before by construction workers. The vehicle then sank up to its axles in the concrete, leaving her unable to drive further.
March 21, 2012
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An American woman suffered an embarrassing situation after she tried to escape a traffic jam by making a u-turn. The impatient woman drove her shiny Lexus onto a patch of wet concrete laid moments before by construction workers. The vehicle then sank up to its axles in the concrete, leaving her unable to drive further. The woman then suffered for her impatience with the indignity of being photographed repeatedly by amused passers-by as she sat fuming in her now not so pristine Lexus while waiting for a knight in a shining tow-truck to rescue her from the self-inflicted predicament. The construction workers were also less than amused at having to redo their work.

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