Egypt’s massive road building expansion programme

Egypt’s massive road building programme will boost transport links.
Road Structures / February 17, 2020 45 seconds Read
By MJ Woof
Egypt is continuing to develop its road network by building new links and improving existing connections

The Egyptian Government is continuing with its programme of road development. The Transport Ministry has announced a budget of US$9.79 billion for building roads in the country. During the 2018-2019 financial year, some 2,000 road projects were carried out. For the 2019-2020 financial year, Egypt is continuing with a further 2,000 road building projects.

In addition, maintenance and upgrade works will be carried out in 12 of Egypt’s regions. The work will help boost transport connections in the country, helping to lift economic development.

The road works are much needed. Egypt’s population is fast-growing and vehicle numbers have also increased enormously in the country in recent years. The country’s capital, Cairo, is notorious for its heavy traffic congestion. A major highway redevelopment project saw the country’s busiest route, which connects Cairo with Egypt’s busy port of Alexandria, being completely rebuilt some years ago to boost its capacity. The roads heading southwards from Cairo have also been improved, with Egypt’s Army Corps of Engineers playing an important role in the construction and widening work.
