Road Markings, Barriers & Workzone Protection

February 14, 2012
Safety barriers provide an invaluable service for all road users, Mike Woof reports The safety barrier market is a key one for the highway sector,…
February 13, 2012
Christophe Nicodème, ERF's Director General, explores a missing link in the road safety chain
February 13, 2012
Highway Care is now offering double-sided P4 terminal that is specially developed for the UK road network. The Xtension 110 Double-sided P4 Terminal…
February 13, 2012
Retroreflectivity plays a vital role when it comes to helping drivers follow road markings clearly in the dark as Patrick Smith reports. In many…
February 13, 2012
There are key differences in crash cushion design and quality for the United States and European markets. Developments in barrier technologies have…
February 10, 2012
A US$4 billion bypass contract has been signed in Hong Kong. The deal for the Central-Wan Chai Bypass project has been agreed by the Hong Kong…
February 10, 2012
A road project in Utah has benefited from the use of effective barrier protection during construction. *Paul Grant reports An upgraded section of…
February 9, 2012
A lane separation system from Pexco is guiding more than 6,000 vehicles each day through changing traffic patterns.
February 9, 2012
The new ZRM 6014 road marking retroreflectometer from Zehntner is said to incorporate five innovations in one go: telescope handle and wheels as…
February 9, 2012
Road markings and raised pavements markers (RPMs) are important tools in securing efficient and safe traffic flow, and the high visibility of both is…